
Bulthaup Toronto Inc.
280 King Street East
Toronto ON M5A 1K7

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm
Saturday 11am to 3pm
Other times by appointment

Callum Schuster - Veil

April 2013 - June 2013

Veil reflects Callum Schuster's fascination with painting: the history, theory, practice, materiality and psychology of the painted object. By analyzing a painting's material components and the processes involved in making it, new traits of painting are revealed.

In doing this, he distills an essence of painting and fosters a relationship between 2D and 3D spaces.
Callum Schuster is a Toronto based artist. Since graduating from OCAD University's Drawing and Painting Thesis program in 2011, he has exhibited in several Toronto galleries, an off-site exhibition at the 2012 Havana Biennial, and even a fashion show.